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Massage 95 in Edmonton, Alberta


We invite you to explore and indulge in the very best that our Massage 95 has to offer. All the gorgeous ladies at Massage 95 are highly screened for their personal attributes and qualities. Our staff knows that a repeat customer is the best customer. At Massage 95 we thrive in customer service and go beyond to ensure you have a great experience while visiting us. Massage 95 is one of the finest massage studio specializing in sensual and erotic massage.

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $50

45 Mins: $65

1 Hour: $80



Rooms: 5

Showers: 5

Parking: Yes

Jacuzzi: Yes

ATM Machine: Yes

Book an appointment with your favourite attendant

Session Length (required)

1 review

  • Swiftaert
    2 years ago

    It's total scam, I payed 1 hour, she was alone and 2 more customers came, she kicked me out and put those 2 guys in rooms. I don't know how she can serve 2 customers at the same time. When I told her that I payed 1 hour, she told me be happy lol... I will never go there again.

Established in 2016

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(1 review)

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