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Velvet Touch Spa in Edmonton, Alberta


VTS offers you the chance to try out the tantric chair in our red room for a truly unique experience!!! This sensual piece of furniture promotes intimacy, imagination and open-mindedness in all participants. In other words, think of all the fun you can have!!! ;)

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $160

1 Hour: $200


Mon ~ Fri 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Sat & Sun 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM

Rooms: 3

Parking: Yes

Jacuzzi: Yes

ATM Machine: Yes

3 reviews

  • friendlyguy25
    6 years ago

    had a great time with the girl I got very attentive so sexy. pricing is wrong on this site it is $200 for 30min $260 for an hour

  • Anonoman
    4 years ago

    This spa is nice, and clean. Showers are good. The woman I seen was very friendly, and had a great body. Great with her hands. I've been to a majority of the spas in Edmonton, this is one of the better ones. Definitely will return.

  • H54470
    4 years ago

Established in 1999

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