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Blossoms Massage in Richmond, British Columbia

Room Fees:

1 Hour: $60


10AM - 11PM

Parking: Yes

2 reviews

  • Genefenster
    11 months ago

    They did a bait and switch with me. I agreed to a girl. She was quite attractive and young. Then they sent in this ugly fat auntie. I told her to leave and send the girl I selected. She said she left because she was on her PERIOD? I then asked for my money back. She said we have to charge you a room fee?!?! I said I am charging you $40 for wasting my time. I left with only a partial refund. I told them that I can afford your ransom fee but YOU Have to resort to theft in order to make money. DO NOT GO HERE!!!!

  • aznzen
    6 years ago

    First time there I had a very cranky attendant who was the persona of anger. I stayed away for a long time. The second time here, I had a very grounded attendant who was lively and energetic, however she was in a rush because part way, she had to answer the door. I am told that there is a lot of attendants here, only to always find only 1 working at a time. Customer care and service are not the priority!

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