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Dragon Massage Spa in Vancouver, British Columbia


You are at the right destination for relaxing your body and mind within Vancouver Dragon Massage Spa offered you a nice and clean room to enjoy a massage. Our focus on connecting therapists and clients in a way to good communication and develop personalized massage give the client the most effective. Our therapists are from countries such as Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, America, and Europe. We have different masseuses working every day so give us a call for the latest lineup.

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $130

45 Mins: $160

1 Hour: $200

Rooms: 5

Showers: 5

4 reviews

  • indoknight
    1 year ago

    perfect massage. my go to place, just came....back from it today

  • superqueen8080
    3 years ago

    Good service massage spa in Vancouver

  • Chuzhu
    3 years ago

    Great service! Friend and attractive girls

  • Sunshine
    2 years ago

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