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Sparx Massage in Ottawa, Ontario


New and improved! After being in business since 2016, we have opened a new location.

We have a wonderful team of beautiful ladies. They are excited to make our guests feel comfortable. Walk in or book an appointment to see for yourself how their healing hands can melt all of your troubles away. All of the ladies offer different services and prices. Their direct contact information can be found under the "ladies" page. Let them know if you have any special requests.

There are showers in all of the rooms to make your stay more comfortable.

There is lots of parking out front or on the side of the road beside us. It is a quiet and discreet location with minimal businesses in view. There is an ATM on site.

Come on in, don't be shy. The ladies are very professional and


On Polytek St Unit 28

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $150

45 Mins: $190

1 Hour: $190


10:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Rooms: 2

Showers: 2

Parking: Yes

ATM Machine: Yes

Payment Anonymity: Yes

Book an appointment with your favourite attendant

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1 review

  • Discreetjim
    5 years ago

    The ladies here are beautiful and they made me feel right at home.

Established in 2016

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(1 review)

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