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The Moon Massage in Ottawa, Ontario


Massage Rate $58/hh .$88/45mins. $108/hr Deep Tissue Oil Massage by skilled Asian beauties. CC/LUNA ★ Help relieve pain and stress. ★ Free parking. ★可以刷卡消费,电子邮箱转账,微信,支付宝,人名币支付 ★ 4 Hands available. Open 9am~11pm address:1893 Baseline Rd, Ottawa, ON K2C 0C7 Text/Call 613-858-3536 Walk-in aways welcome.

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $58

45 Mins: $88

1 Hour: $108

Rooms: 3

Showers: 1

1 review

  • Jackaldaddy
    2 years ago

    The building was very warm and sweaty Long wait at door to be let in Only one masseuse available, and she charged nearly double what the ads listed as the cost or what we had "discussed" over text. Massage really wasn't good. Just felt like a lot of amateur poking and kneading, I think I left my 30min session feeling tighter than when I went in,and specifically had new neckpain from her poking. Could have done with a bit more ambiance or visual stimulation in the room too. Overall was not very satisfying. After I left I got another text from the place telling me the address, and when I asked why she asked when I wanted to make an appointment, I don't think they were paying attention to what I was saying the entire time and just guessing at responses. Wouldn't recommend it.

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