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Moonlight Spa in Scarborough, Ontario


Is world news stressing you? There is more to life. Visit Moonlight SPA! Allow yourself indulgence of a break, nice Sensually Relaxing Massage! Our charming, Asian masseuses, provide massage that boosts man's health, tests intimate responses & increases erotic capacity- a balancing health benefit like no other- best preventive care for any man -hand it to us!

Good rates, 30- 60 minutes or more, Private showers, refreshments .

We might not be the cheapest but for sure we are one of the best! massage parlours in Toronto .

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $40

45 Mins: $60

1 Hour: $80


We open 7 days a week.
10am to 9pm

Parking: Yes

1 review

  • Reaper
    5 years ago

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