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Temptation Spa in Toronto, Ontario


Temptation Spa we would love the opportunity to show you the difference in Temptation Spa. Temptation Spa values our amazing clients and our gorgeous attendants who make our spa so special.

We believe that cultivating relationships is the foundation of our business - not just with our clientele but also with our staff. We offer a very personal service, and we believe that sincere personal relationships positively enhance the overall service and experience. The happiness of our ladies is reflected in their positive attitudes, which translates to a much more enjoyable session once the door closes.

Temptation Spa will transport you to a different time, when people were valued above business and time moved just a little bit slower; when the simple pleasures of life were savoured. From th


Free parking
in front and back of spa.
Private back door entrance.

Room Fees:

30 Mins: $40

45 Mins: $60

1 Hour: $80


7 days a week 9am - 9pm

Parking: Yes

Jacuzzi: Yes

Book an appointment with your favourite attendant

Session Length (required)

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